DUI Key Person and Discount Programs
The DUI Key Person Program is based on our experience that having high profile dive professionals actively using DUI products is effective advertising. LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE and word-of-mouth testimonials promote the sales of DUI products better than any other method.
A DUI Key Person is anyone who:
- Is an active professional in the diving industry (full or part time)
- While using DUI products is likely to significantly influence others to purchase DUI products
- Agrees to actively promote DUI/OMS and its products
Examples of Key Persons include:
- Active and currently insured Instructors, Asst. Instructors and Divemasters
- Dive Store Owners and Employees (full and part time)
- US Military - Active, Honorable Discharged, Retired
- US First Responder - Peace officer, Firefighter, Paramedic, Emergency medical technician, Public safety dispatcher, Public safety telecommunicator
- Volunteer Public Safety Dive Team
- Published Media (Photographers & Writers)
- Public Attraction Employees in Public View: ex. Aquariums
- Industry Insiders (Manufacturers, Resorts and Travel, Instructional Agency Staff)
- Dive Boat Operators and Dive Boat Crew Members MAY also qualify depending on the extent of their activity and the willingness of a dealer to sponsor them
The DUI Key Person Program applies to DUI’s premium drysuits, divewear, Weight & Trims and other accessories. The program also applies to all OMS products.
The Key Person Program facilitator will give you the special pricing extended once your application has been approved. Due to this special discount, we ask that the pricing information not be shared outside of yourself and the affiliated dealer. Limit one premium drysuit every 2 years per applicant.
- A Key Person candidate is identified
- The candidate completely fills out and signs the DUI Key Person Application & Agreement with the link below
- Applicant submits the signed Application & Agreement with the order to DUI and any additional supporting documents that may help to determine eligibility
- DUI determines eligibility and will contact you after your key person application is submitted for the discount amount you qualify for.
- Approved candidates send payment for the product (plus applicable taxes and shipping) via credit card
- Upon receipt of payment, DUI submits the order into production
- Applications (and orders) that are not approved will be discarded

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